www.taloushallintoliitto.fi (only in Finnish)
Suomen Taloushallintoliitto is a national association of authorised accounting agencies. Authorisation is a guarantee that your business is in the hands of only the best professionals and that the accounting agency has its procedures and systems in order. The site also contains an accounting manual and useful information on how to choose your accountant (in Finnish).
www.veronmaksajat.fi (only in Finnish)
The Taxpayers’ Association of Finland website offers you updated information and reminders of tax-related issues, as well as practical examples of tax collection decisions (in Finnish).
The site of the Finnish Tax Administration offers basic information about taxation, company types, upcoming changes in taxation and other issues related to individual or corporate tax. It also offers e-services for requesting a tax liabilities certificate, submitting a transfer tax declaration or checking the registration data of a company.
The Federation of Finnish Enterprises has the largest membership of all business-related federations in Finland, with more than 116,000 member enterprises. The site contains extensive manuals for business operations and being an employer in Finland, with ready-made templates, calculators and other useful information related to businesses and the world of work in Finland.
The Tilaajavastuu service retrieves the data required by the Finnish Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out for the supplier or contractor from various registers.
The Finnish Chambers of Commerce promote a favourable business environment and help their members to network. The Chambers of Commerce offer services, opportunities to influence, publications, information and supervisions of interest to companies. Their members include 19,000 Finnish companies and organisations.